Monday, September 27, 2010

Very new to this game!

Morning All
I have decided to join the rest of the blogging world and begin a page for the developments and ideas/concepts for our new home!

I am so excited at the prospect of building our home.  It is all encompassing and I can not get these ideas out of my head!  We have never ventured down this path before so it will be interesting to take in the ride!, the ups and downs, Hopefully it is not a roller coaster.......

So I will try my best to post some of my ideas and thoughts!

I hope you enjoy


  1. You have a stunning block- looking forward to seeing how your home grows:)

  2. Love the views you have from your block :-) xox

  3. Thanks ! The views are what sealed the deal for us xx

    It will be a while before we build but the preparation is very exciting and some what all encompassing and draining.

    Hopefully posting on here will get some stuff out of my head and make room for more "stuff"
